Showing 4 Result(s)

Manuals, Toolkits, Training Modules

We have developed number of practical modules for specific cases of development work. For details see our resource and database page. Manuals Text text text text [hyperlink] Toolkits Text text text text [hyperlink] Research Text text text text [hyperlink] Training programs Text text text text [hyperlink]

Areas Of Specialization

Small enough to care, big enough to provide top quality results: Areas of specialization Investment climate Investment attraction Business environment Regulatory reforms RIA Sector regulatory reforms Power, Gas, Oil, Transport, Water, Telecommunications Global good governance, Local Economic Development, Institution and capacity building, Accountability, transparency, Media reform Tax administration Mining, extractive industries Green buildings Regulatory enforcement …

About us

Established in 1997 Naturex Consulting delivered number of exciting development projects in various countries stretching fromĀ  the Philippines to the east and through Bangladesh, India, Nepal in South Asia through Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan in Central Asia to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia to the Balkans on the west. PROJECTS Please find attached our list of references and …

Build Equitable, Just and Prosperous Societies and Nations

Leading world expert for building sovereign prosperous nations with participatory, accountable, transparent governance for equitable, inclusive, fair socio-economic development, growth, investment, jobs creation! Goran Sumkoski has implemented complex high level reforms with presidents, ministers, local and regional governors, business associations in more than 30 countries around the world.Take free introductory online master class!